How to get back into the habit of working out.


Looking in the mirror I realized that even though I was the weight I wanted I still wasn’t satisfied with my physic.

in 2023 I exersised every day consistantly and recently I have gotten out of the habit. I am learning that even if I don’t eat carbs and I reduce my calorie intake, if i am not building muscle then I wont be as fit as id like.

As a side note, right now I am living abroad in Lima, Peru and it is so hot! I guess I didn’t pack right because I have mostly jeans and long sleeve shirts, not the best idea. Hopefully by next summer, or in the summer in the usa starting in June, my summer body will be ready!

I’m happy to say I started working out again today! I drew out a table in my notebook with all the exercises I will do and how many reps I did today. Then as the days go on I will see my progress. It felt so good to get started.

Sometimes we fall out of the habit, its normal. Yet, all it takes is one day of effort to get back on track. The first day is always the hardest.

Habit building is so important. If we practice piano, making videos, dance or whatever it maybe for just 20 minutes a day over time our efforts compound and we have built a new skill set.

For every positive change to take place 3 things need to happen. 

  1. Awareness of the situation 
  2. A decision to change it
  3. Action taken

That is exactly what I want to happen for those who join my Youtube Program. That each day the habit (action) of following the courses and making entertaining videos will compound over time and result in profitable successful channels.

Join the program today so you can make YouTube apart of your daily habits!

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